Saturday, 13 June 2020

How to connect Binance exchange to Wazirx exchange II Transfer BITCOIN without any fee in HINDI

Welcome to '' PART TIME MONEY ''.Today we are going to discuss how to connect Indian crypto exchange Wazirx and Binance exchange.What are the benefits of connecting Wazirx exchange and Binance exchange.If we transfer any crypto currency from Binance to Wazirx exchange or Wazirx exchange to Binance exchange then we will have to pay some transaction fee and also it will take some time but if we connect both the exchanges then we do not have to pay any transaction fee and hardly transaction completes within seconds..In this video we will see how to connect Wazirx and Binance exchange and also practical demo of how to transfer coin from one wallet to other wallet.If you want to create your account on Wazirx exchange and Binance exchange then below is the link.
Sign Up on Binance –
Buy Bitcoin in India -


How to find which coin will pump II कैसे पता करे कौन सी Cryptocurrency or coin बढ़ेगी II

Welcome to '' PART TIME MONEY ''.Today we are going to discuss about a website named COINMARKETCAL.COINMARKETCAL provides leading  calendar for reliable cryptocurrency news. It covers all events that help crypto traders make better decisions.Which crypto currency will pumped is depend upon his future projects.With the help of COINMARKETCAL we can get complete details of upcoming projects like hardfork,listing,tie-ups etc of any coin.Check website of COINMARKETCAL @ WWW.COINMARKETCAL.COM

सबसे अच्छी क्रिप्टोकोर्रेंसी का कैसे पता करे II Which cryptocurrency is best I COINMARKETCAP BINANCE

Welcome to ''PART TIME MONEY''.If you love trading in crypto currency market then this video is for you.Everybody want's to invest in good crypto currency and want's to earn profit but we could not do. So today we are going to discuss about a website(COINMARKET CAP). COINMARKET CAP is acquired by Binance and provides us complete detail of any crypto currency like Bitcoin.With the help of  COINMARKET CAP we can get complete details like rank,total supply,charts,social media news,24 hour change etc of any coin.COINMARKET CAP provide us complete detail of crypto market.

WazirX Exchange से Binance पर fund कैसे transfer करे || How to transfer fund from Wazirx to Binance Exchange

As we know Wazirx is best Indian crypto currency exchange and Binance is worlds best crypto currency exchange.Recently Binance acquire Indian crypto currency exchange Wazirx.In this video we will see how we can transfer Bitcoin Wazirx exchange to Binance.  

How to trade on Wazirx Exchange || Wazirx पर Buy और Sell कैसे करे || Wazirx Exchange tutorial ||

Wazirx is a best Indian crypto currency exchange which helps Indian people to buy and sell crypto currencies like Bitcoin,ETH,Ripple and many more.Wazirx exchange also support P2P or Peer to Peer this video we will talk about How we can buy and sell on wazirx exchange and some basic information about wazirx exchange.

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How to connect Binance exchange to Wazirx exchange II Transfer BITCOIN without any fee in HINDI

Welcome to ''  PART TIME MONEY  ''.Today we are going to discuss how to connect Indian crypto exchange Wazirx and Binance...