Friday, 27 January 2017

What is Bitcoin and Kashh Coin ???

Bitcoin is a crypto currency or digital currency invented in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto at the rate of Rs-6 and in 2017 it is approx Rs - 70000.It can be transfer peer to peer without interference of any legal authority like bank or government. It works like Paytm or Oxigen wallet.Bitcoin price depends on demand and supply and the  best part is Bitcoin is limited.Bitcoin can be earn by mining also.

Recently VKS international (Dubai) launched a Digital Currency  named Kashh Coin like bitcoin and rate is approx Rs-4.And it is suppose to be have same growth like Bitcoin so this is the right time to invest in Kashh Coin just login @ and sigh up. Kashh coin also works on MLM (Multi Level Marketing) system so in short time earn more Kashh coin.

Sponsor Id – Kashhhcoin  ,  Side – Right

For More Information comment on this…


  1. Contact me on 9910073486 to invest in newly launched UK based MLM plan.
    Mode of payment- Bitcoin on daily basis.


  2. Sir plz contac me urgent 9307101020


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